Rabbits vs Chickens: Which Homestead Hero Is Best?

Rabbits vs Chickens: Which Homestead Hero Is Best?

Homesteading isn’t just for people with vast tracts of land! Many urban and suburban residents are discovering the joy of owning a backyard homestead. When considering keeping chickens or rabbits on your homestead, you’re quickly faced with a dilemma; which should you choose, chickens or rabbits? Which is better for homesteading, chickens or rabbits? How…


Lionhead Rabbit Breed Profile – Pet Bunnies

Many thanks to Melissa van der Valke of www.LionheadRabbit.com for this article! A Closer Look at the Lionhead Rabbit   Many of you might have already heard about a relatively new rabbit breed, the lionhead rabbit. This amazing rabbit breed is becoming more and more popular within the United States and therefore we provide you…

Baby Holland Lop Bunnies in California

Baby Holland Lop Bunnies in California

  Adding a bunny to your family should only come after very careful consideration and preparation, especially during the Easter season.  This time of year there are many baby bunnies that deserve forever homes, but find only temporary ones once their impulse buyers lose the “rabbit fever.” But if you live in northern California and…


Rabbit Fever the Movie – A Review

At last!  A movie about us Rabbit People! Recently I finally got the opportunity to watch the movie Rabbit Fever.  And you know what?  I’m glad I did. Created by Amy Do, Rabbit Fever is a full-length documentary about the rabbit showing hobby.  It focuses on the ARBA Youth Royalty contest, following five young rabbit…

How to Identify the Color of your Junior Bunnies

This post about rabbit color genetics can help you identify the color of the young rabbits in the litters you raise. Identifying the Junior Oddball Did you have an “oddball” in your last litter of bunnies?  I call rabbits “oddballs” when they turn out to be a color you didn’t expect and can’t identify.  Our…


Rabbits for Sale at ARBA Convention – Will they live up to expectations?

Some words of wisdom from Laurie, formerly of the Nature Trail rabbitry.  Some of these posts are just too insightful to let them get buried in the dust of time. How To Be Happy With Your New Purchase by Laurie Stroupe It’s time for Convention again already – or finally, as the case may be….

Rare Rabbit Breeds Silver and Silver Fox: What are the differences?

If I may state a humble opinion, I think that the most under-appreciated breed in the United States is the Silver.  Nope, not the Silver Marten.  Not the Silver Fox.   The Silver. I got my first Silvers in 2004.  Since then, I have met many rabbit exhibitors who are not aware that this breed exists.  …